Program Outline

Fun With Spelling 3

This program uses phonics to increase accuracy in spelling of more than 370 Level 3 spelling words. The words are grouped into lists such as long vowels, consonants and "r" with vowel patterns.

Long Vowel Patterns

Unit 1: a-e

In this Level 3 unit study words with long vowel patterns; bare, blame, care, game, gate, plane, shade, stare, state, trade. The list will focus on words with letters a-e.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: ai

In this Level 3 unit study words with long vowel patterns; afraid, fair, hair, mail, main, paint, pair, sail, tail, upstairs. The list will focus on words with letters ai.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: ay

In this Level 3 unit study words with long vowel patterns; always, Friday, maybe, playing, spray, stay, Sunday, tray, yesterday. The list will focus on words with letters ay.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: ee

In this Level 3 unit study words with long vowel patterns; agree, been, feel, free, meet, seen, sleepy, street, week, wheel. The list will focus on words with letters ee.
15 Lessons

Unit 5: ea

In this Level 3 unit study words with long vowel patterns; beaver, clean, dream, jeans, leaf, leave, really, seat, stream, team. The list will focus on words with letters ea.
15 Lessons

Unit 6: o-e

In this Level 3 unit study words with long vowel patterns; alone, before, bone, broke, close, hole, joke, rose, store, wore. The list will focus on words with letters oe.
15 Lessons

Unit 7: y - as in happy

In this Level 3 unit study words with long vowel patterns; every, family, hurry, jelly, penny, puppy, sorry, story, twenty. The list will focus on words with letter y.
15 Lessons

R With Vowels

Unit 1: ar

Level 3 study words with the R vowel patterns, including the combination of the letters ar; card, dark, garden, hard, large, march, party, start, yard.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: er

Level 3 study words with the R vowel patterns, including the combination of the letters er; another, corner, grandmother, greater, later, river, summer, under, water, winter.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: ir

Level 3 study words with the R vowel patterns, including the combination of the letters ir; bird, birthday, first, giraffe, girl, shirt, sir, skirt, third, thirty.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: ur

Level 3 study words with the R vowel patterns, including the combination of the letters ur; hurt, nurse, purple, purse, return, Saturday, sure, Thursday, turn, turtle.
15 Lessons

Unit 5: or

Level 3 study words with the R vowel patterns, including the combination of the letters or; airport, before, born, forest, horse, morning, north, sport, torn, wore.
15 Lessons

Consonant Combos

Unit 1: le

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with consonant combos including the letters le; castle, circle, gentle, hole, people, rule, sale, smile, uncle, while.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: ss

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with consonant combos including the letters ss; across, class, dresser, glass, grass, guess, kiss, mess, passed, recess.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: tt

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with consonant combos including the letters tt; better, butter, getting, kettle, kitten, letter, letting, pretty, sitting, splatter.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: ck

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with consonant combos including the letters ck; block, chicken, jacket, neck, o'clock, pocket, quick, snack, stick, trick.
15 Lessons

Unit 5: tch

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with consonant combos including the letters tch; batch, catch, ditch, itch, match, patch, pitch, stretch, switch, watch.
15 Lessons

Unit 6: ight

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with consonant combos including the letters ight; bright, eight, fight, freight, height, light, might, right, sight, tonight.
15 Lessons

Unit 7: kn/wr

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with consonant combos including the letters kn/wr; wrap, wreck, wrist, write, wrong, knees, knew, knife, knight, knock
15 Lessons

Unit 8: Doubles

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with consonant combos including the letters that are doubles; appear, grasshopper, happen, running, slipping, stepped, stepping, supper, tripped, unhappy.
15 Lessons

Unit 9: Contractions

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with consonant combos including contractions; can't, didn't, doesn't, don't, hasn't, haven't, he's, I'm, it's, that's.
14 Lessons

Digraphs and Diphthongs

Unit 1: oo (as in too)

In this Level 3 unit students will be given practice problems to help them study digraphs and diphthongs. This unit focuses on the letters oo; afternoon, balloon, choose, cool, football, goose, poor, school, spoon, wooden.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: ea (as in head)

In this Level 3 unit students will be given practice problems to help them study digraphs and diphthongs. This unit focuses on the letters ea; bear, bread, breakfast, dead, head, heavy, tear, thread, wear, weather.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: ou (as in out)

In this Level 3 unit students will be given practice problems to help them study digraphs and diphthongs. This unit focuses on the letters ou; around, found, ground, hour, mouse, scout, shout, sound, south, without.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: ow (as in show)

In this Level 3 unit students will be given practice problems to help them study digraphs and diphthongs. This unit focuses on the letters ow; blow, follow, own, rainbow, shadow, show, slow, snow, throw, tomorrow.
15 Lessons

Unit 5: ow (as in how)

In this Level 3 unit students will be given practice problems to help them study digraphs and diphthongs. This unit focuses on the letters ow; clown, crowd, crown, downstairs, flowers, frown, howl, plow, somehow, town.
15 Lessons

Consonant Blends

Unit 1: bl

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with blended consonants, specifically words with the letters bl; able, blanket, blind, blink, block, nibble, scramble, scribble, table.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: cl

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with blended consonants, specifically words with the letters cl; claw, clay, clear, clever, click, cliff, climb, clothes, cloud, clue.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: fl

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with blended consonants, specifically words with the letters fl; flame, flash, flavor, flight, flock, flood, floor, flute, fly, snowflake.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: sl

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with blended consonants, specifically words with the letters sl; slam, sled, sleeve, slice, slide, slight, slim, slimy, slip, slippers.
15 Lessons

Unit 5: dr

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with blended consonants, specifically words with the letters dr; children, dragon, draw, dried, drift, drink, drive, drop, drying, hundred.
15 Lessons

Unit 6: gr

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with blended consonants, specifically words with the letters gr; grade, grand, grandfather, great, grew, grey, grinning, grouchy, growl, program.
15 Lessons

Unit 7: fr

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with blended consonants, specifically words with the letters fr; frame, freckles, fresh, friend, frighten, frog, from, front, frost, frozen.
15 Lessons

Unit 8: tr

In this Level 3 unit students will study words with blended consonants, specifically words with the letters tr; strange, string, strong, trace, travel, tremendous, trip, trust, truth.
15 Lessons

Spelling Challenge

Unit 1: List 1

In this Level 3 unit students will be given the opportunity to study a list of challenging words including those from List 1; almost, aunt, beautiful, because, bought, center, could, disk, does.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: List 2

In this Level 3 unit students will be given the opportunity to study a list of challenging words including those from List 2; were, their, felt, half, its, often, once, only, past, quit, said.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: List 3

In this Level 3 unit students will be given the opportunity to study a list of challenging words including those from List 3; door, there, they, than, through, until, visit, went, where, would, write.
15 Lessons

Spelling Rules

Unit 1: Add the endings

Level 3 students study spelling rules when adding the endings.
9 Lessons

Unit 2: Remove the Endings

Level 3 students study spelling rules when removing word endings.
7 Lessons